Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Limits Of Friendship By Maria Konnikova - 1126 Words

In â€Å"The Limits of Friendship† by Maria Konnikova, social media has significantly changed the way we interact with friends and family. Everybody thinks that using social media is the best way to talk to friends and family, however, in my opinion, they are wrong because it doesn’t give you the face-to-face connections we need as humans for social interaction. On the other hand, the great thing about using social media is you can connect with more people, but in a superficial kind of way. Therefore, we do not get the face-to-face interactions with our friends and family. We, the people that are addicted to social media, learn that without face-to-face conversations we wouldn’t have a normal â€Å"social† life outside of social media. The question†¦show more content†¦The brain is incredibly plastic, and, from past research on social interaction, we know that early childhood experience is crucial in developing those parts of the brain that are la rgely dedicated to social interaction, empathy, and other interpersonal concerns† (239). The Dunbar number is the maximum number of people an average person can have in her social group is 150. This number might change because of the way social media has been growing. We have 150 casual friends, 50 close friends, 15 friends you can turn to for sympathy, and 5 best friends and family. When we use technology to interact with others, we lose the ability to express the right emotions that you would express in a face-to-face conversation. When you tell someone how you feel over social media, it is entirely different than how you would tell it to them in person. Emotions that are expressed over social media, can be taken a completely different way than it would be taken if the conversation was face-to-face. For example, if you were having a conversation with a close friend, if you said something sarcastic like â€Å"You are such a weirdo.† That message could mean it is funny to you but it could be offensive to the person you are texting. In â€Å"The Limits of Friendship†, Konnikova says â€Å"We do have a social-media equivalent-sharing, liking, knowing that all your friends have looked atShow MoreRelatedThe Limits Of Friendship By Maria Konnikova And We Are A Camera By Nick Paumgarten1259 Words   |  6 PagesThe world we live in is a very competitive one. To be successful, in this world one needs to have the connections so that one can succeed in life. In â€Å"The Limits of Friendship† by Maria Konnikova and â€Å"We are a Camera† by Nick Paumgarten, we see that technology can help build these connections. It is through these connections that One way these connections help make people successful is through our close interpersonal connections, modern day technology, and social media. These three outlets are modemsRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Modern World1547 Words   |  7 Pagesconsequences itself. The usage of the internet is creating conflict upon individuals that they have become modern in today’s world. In the essay â€Å"The Limit Of Friendship† by Maria Konnikova, who is a psychologist and a creative writer from the Columbia University explores the Dunbar’s theoretical number of a friend that one could have in their life. Konnikova informs people about her colleague Robin Dunbar’s research how social networking is affecting socialization along with your actual friends. RobinRead MoreFace Against Face And Sns Essay1111 Words   |  5 Pagesseveral limitations such as place and time in terms of making friends. Even the tremendous social person, there are limits to how many people they can meet directly in their short life. In addition, some studies have indicated that our capacity about the number that people can call friends as casual friends is a hundred and fifty (Konnikova, 2014). In other words, the limit of friendship is a hundred and fifty with face to face, and more than this number is almost impossible for people to continue keepingRead MoreIs Art A Waste Of Time?1557 Words   |  7 Pagessupport that art has had for countless people. Music, in particular, is part of nearly all cultures and is instrumental in creating situations in which people strengthen friendships through shared experiences. Maria Konnikova writes about the importance of shared experiences to human relationships in her essay â€Å"The Limits of Friendship.† She discusses research that shows that in-person experiences are essential to developing strong relationships. As such, art and artistic expression can be essentialRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Brain1224 Words   |  5 Pagesworse. Robin Marantz Henig in her essay â€Å"What is it about 20-Somethings† writes of a developing phenomenon that could become a new stage of life, â€Å"emerging adulthood†, and whether supporting it is the right idea. In the article â€Å"The Limits of Friendship†, Maria Konnikova discusses the Dunbar number and its relevance in modern times, where social media has become increasingly prevalent, enough so that it could begin replacing face-to-face communication. In â€Å"The Neuroscience of the University Classroom†Read MoreThe Go Pro Is Like Brownie And The Polaroid963 Words   |  4 Pagesbut our brain is still going a mile a minute. Even though using social media is a wonderful form of technology, and there is no limit to what our brain is capable of doing. In the article Limits of Friendship Maria Konnikova who has a PH.D in Psychology, touched on her views of the brains capacity, of how many virtual friends our brain can retain at one time. Konnikova noted that with the help of the Social Media Facebook, Instagram, Skype, twitter, etec., it s very possible to have an unlimited

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Brief Note On The American Health Care System Of Guatemala

Myrna Rodriguez WHO Scholarly Paper Dr. Uribe September 28, 2014 Guatemala Guatemala is located in Central America with an estimated population of 15 million in 2012 and it is considered a lower-middle-income country which a 48 percent of the total represents the indigenous population. According to Lao Pena (2013) after the 1996 Peace Accords the country made progress but poverty remains high; the 2008-09 economic crises caused an increase in overall poverty from 51 percent in 2006 to 53.7 percent in 2011. In Central America Guatemala has the biggest economy but has the highest levels of inequality with poverty indicators, especially in rural and indigenous areas (The World Bank, 2014). In Guatemala, 58% of the poor sector is from the†¦show more content†¦According to Ahmed, Awe, Barnes, Cropper and Kojima (2005) states that, â€Å"between 1997 to 2000 the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance estimated that ARI was the country’s single most important cause of morbidity and mortality which in this period of time the number of cas es of morbidity due to ARI grew by an average of 31 percent per year, an average of two to three time as many deaths as acute diarrhea, the second most important cause of mortality in Guatemala† (pg. 3). As noted by Ahmed et al., (2005), the main contributor to ARI’s is the indoor air pollution (IAP), approximately two-thirds of houses in Guatemala uses woods fires without chimneys for heating and cooking often in houses that has poor ventilation (pg. 28, 30). Ahmed et al., (2005) states that, â€Å"Children in these households are exposed to high levels of particulate matter† (pg. 30). Ahmed et al., (2005) mentioned that, â€Å"the main causes of death due to respiratory complications following fires is smoke inhalation which inhaling the smoke from combustion for a prolong time can lead to the effects of permanent lesions as bronchitis and cause infections such as pneumonia, where in the absence of proper care can lead to death† (pg. 11). In the study of Verani, McCracken, Arvelo, Estevez, Lopez, Reyes, Moir, Bernart, Moscoso, Gray, Olsen and Lindblade (2013), a total of 8,914 hospitalized patients A Brief Note On The American Health Care System Of Guatemala WHO Scholarly Paper Dr. Uribe September 28, 2014 Guatemala Guatemala is located in Central America with an estimated population of 15 million in 2012 and it is considered a lower-middle-income country which a 48 percent of the total represents the indigenous population. According to Lao Pena (2013), after the 1996 Peace Accords the country made progress but poverty remains high; the 2008-09 economic crises caused an increase in overall poverty from 51 percent in 2006 to 53.7 percent in 2011. In Central America Guatemala have the highest levels of inequality with poverty indicators, especially in rural and indigenous areas even though it has the biggest economy (The World Bank, 2014). In Guatemala, 58% of the poor sector is from the†¦show more content†¦Ahmed, Awe, Barnes, Cropper and Kojima (2005) states that, â€Å"between 1997 to 2000 the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance estimated that ARI was the country’s single most important cause of morbidity and mortality which in this period of time the number of cas es of morbidity due to ARI grew by an average of 31 percent per year, an average of two to three time as many deaths as acute diarrhea, the second most important cause of mortality in Guatemala† (pg. 3). As noted by Ahmed et al., (2005), â€Å"the main contributor to ARI’s is the indoor air pollution (IAP), approximately two-thirds of houses in Guatemala uses woods fires without chimneys for heating and cooking often in houses that has poor ventilation† (pg. 28, 30). Ahmed et al., (2005) states that, â€Å"Children in these households are exposed to high levels of particulate matter† (pg. 30). Ahmed et al., (2005) mentioned that, â€Å"the main causes of death due to respiratory complications following fires is smoke inhalation which inhaling the smoke from combustion for a prolong time can lead to the effects of permanent lesions as bronchitis and cause infections such as pneumonia, where in the absence of proper care can lead to death† (pg. 11). I n the study of Verani, McCracken, Arvelo, Estevez, Lopez, Reyes, Moir, Bernart, Moscoso, Gray, Olsen and Lindblade (2013) it states that, â€Å"a total of 8,914 hospitalized

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Key Aspects of Project and Research Activities Free Essays

Summarises key aspects of the: 1- project, research activities undertaken 2- ideal generation activities 3- decisions made 4- development stages 5- prototyping 6- final proposal (a summary of the group based presentation) †¦ etc. 1. Topic choose: 2. We will write a custom essay sample on The Key Aspects of Project and Research Activities or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 Which topic we choose: We choose â€Å"the most handmade elements in an art-work† as our topic. 2. 2 Why/how to choose this topic: a) Find something we all interested b) We can easy to control (familiar)-and think about as a designer what kinds of things that we can do in the project. Practice, integrate the module we have learned. c) easy to rise target people’s interests d) positive outcomes (value for society) 2. 3 What the key design management knowledge we want to use and practice in this project: A. Design research — gather the relevant resources to analysis the background, current situation and future trend of the project. Based on which, to find out the existing gaps and opportunities, so that to position the project more properly. B. Design management — how to organize a team to achieve the goal. E. g. ime management, communication skill, teamwork etc. C. Design in business — (a) In strategic level: refine core value, target the audiences; (b) In tactical level: choose and develop the strategy of spread the information of the event and gather enough people to involve in, gain financial outcome†¦etc. D. Design manifestation in visual way — (a) How to make the strategic planning more tangible using visual communicatio n in the way of gathering people. (b) How to using visual as a tool to introduce the project more easily in the presentation. E. Design brief — how to present the project in a clear and easy way. 2. 4 Challenge/difficulty of the topic: (a) This is the second time to using design research skill to go through a whole project (b) To use different language to communicate with members (c) Finish the work in only 5 days (d) Separated the task of the project into small piece in a small team (e) Have less experience on practicing the marketing and branding theory in a practical way (f) How to visualize the idea effectively g) Find evidence to convince audience (h) Do not familiar with Guinness record 2. How to face and conquer the challenge: 3. 5 Schedule of the project process Explain the process, highlight A. We make a schedule based on the module timetable. Because we not only want to follow the module needs but also want to practice what we have learn in a more real situation. B. We did the desk research in order to gain more information about what have already done and its pros and cons. This will help us to develop our own project. Since we have less experience in the topic. C. We use code (e. g. 4 key points and 5W1H) to help us to go through the whole project. D. Based on our background we planning to take more times on research and find evidence rather than do the visualization. 3. The gap we have not fulfill: A. Research coding and feasible analysis has not done enough so that which leads the project of the topic we choose is too large that we actually cannot control it properly. B. It is hard to negotiate members’ opinions and choose one topic C. Hard to consider each point without missing, and to find the critical point to highlight and manifested as a good idea to show. D. Oral communication and presentation 4. What we have learned: A. More professional way of design thinking in which gathers idea and narrows it, and also not make us fell stress and be lost  from the question. B. Storytelling and keywords can make the presentation more attractive and explain more effectively. C. Divided things into small part, it will become easier to control and conquer. For instance, we divided the whole project into three steps: prepare, launch, exhibition. It really helps us to keep our developing process the case more rational. D. Pay much attention on research and design prototyping is really important. Other wise, we have to face too much-unexpected problems. (e. g. The most error happened on the topic choosing part, by less consider our own ability and deepen research about Ai Weiwei’s project. We doing some real seeds that really help us to communicate the idea to others and presentation). How to cite The Key Aspects of Project and Research Activities, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

How Does Social Change Occur free essay sample

How Does Social Change Occur According to the article, â€Å"Fund for Southern Communities, What is social change(FSC),† Social change is â€Å"the structural transformation of political, social and economic systems and, institutions to create a more equitable and just society. † In other words through cooperation, and organization of the people changes can occur for their benefit. These organizations form when a group of people are dissatisfied with the actions of the government or something that occurred in their community.As agitation and organization builds the people form groups with the fixed mentality of causing the change that they desire. Social change can come about in one of two ways. The first way is from the top down, where the government proposes a change that has to occur for example; President Obama is attempting to have passed into law that to have a job anywhere, a person needs at least two years of college. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Social Change Occur or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The social can also occur from bottom to top, where the people rally together and get their senators and community leaders involved in making a change.For example, Ms. Black was named Chancellor of New York City schools by Mayor Bloomberg. Parents worked with their senators and councilmen to have her removed because she lacked the qualifications necessary for the job. Why is Social Change necessary? Social Change is necessary because its democracy in practice. Democracy is where people rule, so the government is so post to be working for the people. That is why we have elections. When the government fails to satisfy the people, the people have the right to ban together or write letters to their congress people in order to promote change for their community. For example, in this past election many of the democratic congressmen and senators were voted out of office and replaced with republicans because the people were unhappy with the job that the democrats had done. According to Jim Buie in his article, â€Å"How does Social change happen (HdSCh)† any change involving economics, culture, politics, or religion is very slow.He feels that any change involving anyone of those social forces takes at least a lifetime in order to come into effect. He uses health care as example, because even though President Obama passed a law changing health care, in reality congress is going to continue to debate the changes on whether they are for the better or worse behalf of the people. There for other changes will take place before true health care reform is set in stone . Mr. Bui also compared the leadership styles of President Obama and President Clinton.Clinton used the top to bottom approach in making changes. He would gather in a room the union leaders, business leaders, and government leaders in order to create a policy. On the other hand President Obama used the bottom up theory where he builds a base in the country to activate people to create change at the top. I agree with the bottom up theory, because even though it may take longer to go into effect when the changes are solid it is always in the benefit of the people.As long as we live in a Democratic society there will be social changes occurring either from the top down or the bottom up. People change; communities change; and beliefs change. In order to remain constant with what is good for the people, there will always be social changes.