Thursday, February 27, 2020

Fact pattern Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fact pattern - Assignment Example The law is very clear; you must never purport to use the image of any celebrity in preparing another artistic work unless a permission is total granted. However, the US Copyright law does not specify on the legality of the use of names of celebrities. In this case, Artist can just flash the names of the names of famous musicians. In this scenario, Artist and Chet verbally agree on conditions they considered favourable to both of them. Artist agrees to pay Chet $150 per day plus gas, breakfast, lunch and cat food. On the other hand Chet is willing to drive Artist anywhere within a radius of 200 miles for duration of 10 days. Definitely this is an oral agreement. Oral contracts are valid and are enforceable by a court of law as long as there is sufficient evidence to justify one`s claim (Oversight 1-10). By the fact that Chet and Artist shook hands on their agreement it remains a valid contract. After 3 days something happens and Chet has to stop offering his services to Artist. It is notable that Chet, the driver has partially fulfilled his promise in the terms of verbal agreement. It is therefore unlawful for Artist to fail to pay Chet for the three days of the service. Since Artist knew very well that he had no money and went ahead to give Chet a false promise, that forms a crime under Statute of Frauds if he fails to honour the promise. It is notable that during the agreement, Artist agreed to be driven together with two pet cats; Detour and Frolic owned by the taxi driver. Arguably, this can be justified by the fact that Artist consciously agrees to pay $150 per day plus fuel, breakfast, lunch and cat food. In the last part of the previous statement basically Artist agrees to pay for the food of the two cats. Naturally that would mean that he is willing to travel with them in the same car. However, it should be noted that Artist is allergic to pest such as cats. Contrary, there is no legal backing for

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Religious Practices of the Masses During the Renaissance Essay

Religious Practices of the Masses During the Renaissance - Essay Example Some significant advances that are famous that time are in the elements of paintings through the introduction of linear perspective painting and the reformation of education which was gradual and widespread. This intellectual revolution period was said to be the connection between Middle Ages and Modern Era. Their influences were seen in science, literature, politics, art, philosophy, religion, and other intellectual inquests. Some of the noblest works of religious art, like the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo, Madonnas by Raphael and those of Fra Angelico and Grunewald were products of the Italian renaissance. Participants studied the great civilizations of ancient Rome and Greece, and realized that their art and civilization were related to those of the distant past. Their thinking was also persuaded by the importance on human thoughts and worth as an individual or it is simply called humanism; and one's intellectual growth relies on classic education. These said teachings depended on various disciplines including poetry, history, rules on writing, and moral philosophy. The Renaissance is also the age where there are conflicts between the Church and other religious sects such as the Reformists and Humanists, with regards to their beliefs, practices, and dogmas. The English word religion has been used since the 13th century which means "reverence for God or the gods, careful pondering of divine things, piety, the res divinae (for the service of God)." (Wikipedia, Religion) It is also said that it is a way of life or signifying the attitude towards life. With that, religion covers the various human behaviors on beliefs, practices, moral codes, values, tradition, institution, and rituals that have the function of addressing the basic questions of human identity, ethics, death and the existence of a Divine being. Religion's definition has an immensely great extent that it is sometimes hard to perceive that medieval people are part of a religion. However, the Church became the "source of education entertainment, most social occasions, and of course, faith." (Louis Dudley 3) Although the southern humanists were preoccupied redefining the relationship between God and humans, the Northern Europeans still took the Church's practices seriously. Ther e transpired various religious practices that the Church performed during the ancient times that were sources of "re-categorization" and reformation to some amount. These are usually in the form of the Sacraments, which are visible to the paintings and architectural designs of artists among them are famous painters Michelangelo, Leonardo. One of the religious practices is the rituals. Rituals are said to be set of actions that are performed either on a regular basis or on certain occasions. These acts, suggested to have symbolic implications, are the performances of which is prescribed by a certain religion or culture. Baptism is one form of practice of the Church, in which a person is briefly submerged in water with the implication of cleansing him of the original sin. Simply stated, this is a purification rite. During the 16th century, while various Reformers challenged most of the Church beliefs, they re-categorized the sacraments except baptism and the Eucharist. This religious rite was portrayed in a fresco painting on the catacomb of Saints Marcellinus and Peter at Via Labicana in Rome, Italy. As time progresses, minor changes of the ritual took place especially on the setting to which the immersion transpired. Before, several adults are immersed together in a Baptismal pool which is usually a pond or a lake, until the said pool was reduced to a smaller basin-like vessel and